Full Cardiac Screening

Our full cardiac screening service combines 3 diagnostic tests to give you a clear and comprehensive understanding of your heart, its functionality, and any anomalies outlined in your results. This service includes an ECG, Echocardiogram, and a 7-day Holter Monitor.

Our Full Cardiac Screening Service is completed by our team of friendly and professional Doctors – Learn more about this service and what to expect when visiting an EchoMed clinic below.

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heart rate scan results on paper

What does this package include?

When attending one of our full cardiac screening services, you will undergo an Echocardiogram test, an Electrocardiogram test and a 7-day Holter Monitor test. Attending one of our clinics for a full cardiac screening will give you a clear and extensive insight into your heart’s condition and structure.


An Echocardiogram, also known as an echo, uses painless ultrasound waves to assess the structure and function of the heart’s muscle, valves, and major blood vessels, producing a visual image of the heart.


An electrocardiogram records the heart’s electrical activity through repeated cardiac cycles, which is done using electrodes placed on top of the skin, which display a graph of voltage vs time of electrical activity of the heart.

7-day Holter Monitor Test

A 7-day Holter Monitor test records the heart’s rhythm over a prolonged period and can be used to diagnose heart issues and heart performance during daily activities. The longer the monitor is worn, the more data we gather.

An illustration of two people sat on stools with one holding a clipboard.

Who requires this package?

This package is suitable for everyone, designed for those wanting a better understanding of their heart, but is also recommended for those experiencing any of the below symptoms or those that fall into any of the below categories.

Investigating symptoms

  • Chest Pains
  • Palpitations
  • Breathlessness

Cardiac screening

  • Elite athletes
  • Family history of sudden death
  • Inherited heart rhythm disorder

To learn more about EchoMed’s cardiac screening, contact our helpful and friendly team today to discuss your needs and our cardiac screening solutions. Alternatively, if you want to book an appointment, you can schedule your consultation online now.

clinic room with echocardiogram equipment

What to expect when visiting Echomed

Here at EchoMed, we understand that heart screening is an anxious topic for many people and can have nerve-wracking connotations and assumptions, which is why we have adopted a relaxed and person-centric approach. Our tests are non-invasive and are completed by highly trained, professional, and qualified Doctors who are dedicated to ensuring our clients receive the best and most comfortable experience possible.

We have worked hard to become the go-to destination for heart scans, implementing state-of-the-art equipment to provide our clients with the best experience and most accurate results possible. Furthermore, we have worked hard to ensure our clinics are as clean and comfortable as possible, creating a relaxing and light-hearted atmosphere.

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The next steps after your tests

Once your cardiac screen is complete, our Doctors will provide your results immediately, explaining the test and results to you, ensuring you understand them. If a serious heart rhythm disorder is detected, we will arrange the necessary follow-up steps.

Are you interested in booking a private cardiac screening? You can book your appointment online now, or for more information, contact our team today.

Book an appointment

In just a few clicks, you can arrange an appointment that suits you. Book with EchoMed today. Whether you are concerned about unexplained symptoms, or simply wish to exclude any problems which may cause trouble later in life, our scans can help.

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How To Find Us

Our Surrey Hills (Farnham) clinic is conveniently located just off the A31. We are situated inside the Carlton Yard Clinic (postcode: GU9 7RD), which can be accessed on foot off the southwest corner of Farnham Central Car Park.

From the car park, you will see a selection of signs attached to the exterior wall of the Carlton Yard Clinic (including ‘EchoMed: The Cardiac Ultrasound Clinic’). Walk around the left-hand side of this building, turn right in front of The Silver Sea restaurant, and continue through an archway with a metal gate. This gate is usually open – if not, please buzz the intercom and our team will assist you. The wooden door to the Carlton Yard Clinic is through this arch and immediately on the right.

Our South Coast (Emsworth) clinic is within minutes of the A27. We are situated on the ground floor of the Hampshire Health building (97 Havant Road, postcode: PO10 7LF), which offers free parking to the rear. On arrival, our receptionists will show you to the waiting area.

If you have any issues finding either of our clinics, please call 0333 444 3246 for assistance.


Hampshire Health

97 Havant Road, Emsworth

PO10 7LF



The Carlton Yard Clinic, Unit 1, Carlton Yd,

Victoria Rd, Farnham


0333 444 3246

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